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Rock architectural au son mordant axé sur le mouvement, le rythme et les contrastes : Explosion/Introspection, Espoir/Doute, Force/Délicatesse, Musique instrumentale porteuse de folie et d’une certaine violence libératrice qui invite au dépaysement sonore.


Les musiciens de Capharnaüm sont unis par des liens d’amitié solides et d’une complicité musicale fruit de près de dix ans de collaboration. En 2006, les quatre musiciens ont fondé les Productions Intrumental afin de prendre en main l’avenir financier et professionnel du groupe. 


Premier album complet de Capharnaüm, « Lesoleilestunebombeatomique » est une invitation au voyage, à la découverte de l’univers particulier du groupe. Le titre est porteur du double sentiment qui habite tout l’album : l’énergie à la fois source essentielle de la vie et potentiellement destructrice. Revendiquer ces deux pôles opposés et se les approprier dans un geste de création est une façon pour le groupe d’exprimer son désir d’aller de l’avant… sur le fil du rasoir.


Capharnaüm has been active for over a decade. More than a band, it is a project; a place where we meet to create and share music that could not be heard elsewhere. We are four individuals brought together by a will to create atmospheric instrumental music with a rocking edge. And we are making it fight back music. We resist to an increasingly difficult world to grasp, shaping chaos into tangible energy of sounds and rhythms. 

The title of our new album, « Lesoleilestunebombeatomique » reflects a sense of both danger and hope that we are trying to communicate whenever we play together, compose or perform live. It’s slightly demented heavy music with a touch of prog and a lot of rhythm. The instruments come together as a machine, a motor to push forward and have the audience experience.


The band originated and was founded in the Quebec City area in 1991. Rehearsals where taking place in the old church of the small rural town of Neuville. We played high schools, cegeps, bars and other venues in front of audiences raging from 30 to 2000 people. From 1995 to 1998, band members moved around the province while still getting together to compose, record and perform regularly. The current line-up has been around since the summer of 1998. In 2006, after years of preparation, we are taking things to a new level, releasing our first full-length studio album and getting ready to rock the world! 

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